Thursday, July 19, 2012

NO Sleep yet!

Ryan is still sick, he is still running a fever,coughing eating very little food but still eating.I don't think Ryan slept much last night.Which means I didn't sleep all that much.We're going to use some of our respite hours and hire a respite worker.Right now trying to keep his  O2 level up and keep doing his vest and breathing treatments.His reflux is just so bad, we were hoping we can keep him hydrated enough so we don't have see the hospital just yet.

I think most of the house has had this sickness, in some form. I have been using the Lysol and trying to get people healthy again.

I need to cal CMS to check on how my gigantic list of supplies for Ryan is coming along. I hope to get his pull-ups very soon I am almost out of them.

I enjoyed going to Girl Scouts tonight we had a good time. I am so glad I pushed Megan in to scouts.
She is learning alot.

I'm hoping and praying for a good night's sleep for Ryan and me tonight and for him to wake up with smiles tomorrow! I'm SO ready for some good days!!! Thank you for keeping our precious family in your prayers!

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