Sunday, July 22, 2012

Feeding tube,getting ready for it.

I dreaded, I mean dreaded, hated, loathed, the idea of Ryan getting a feeding tube.  It felt like we were crossing over into a deeper, more special needs category, that I was not ready to handle...thinking,

We talked with a few of Ryan's doctors and meet with the surgeon.  Ryan was then scheduled for his first feeding tube surgery the same time he gets twisted bowel surgery done.

As time passed I realized the benefits that do come along with a feeding tube:

  • Very important:  These kids handle so much just getting through the day.  They need all their strength, which is what food helps provide.
  • All of the health problems that come with lack of nutrition can potentially be diminished with the help of a feeding tube. 
  • You know the calories/intake.  No more force feeding (or adding those calorie booster ingredients) just to make sure they get some nutrition.
  • They can still enjoy food even on the feeding tube.  Nutrition from the feeding tube.  Everything else by mouth is a bonus!  Eating does not have to be a battle.  They can learn to enjoy it.  Eating can be delightful when someone is not stressed out and forcing a spoon in your mouth.
  • Hydrated, flushing fluids right into the tube. 
  • Medications!  This is an ultimate bonus in our house. 
  • Peace of mind, as a parent you know that your child is getting nutrition. 

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