Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What a crazy day!!

The day started out just like any other day,very crazy. I got Ryan up at 8am then we proceed with his vest,breathing treatments. Then onto meds and breakfast. Well he had sausage biscuits and fruit. Very shortly after he ate he threw up all over the place,so we changed him got him dressed again. Then onto taking Dad his lunch that he requested . Onto doctor 1 appointment, then to pick up Amber,take her to her appointment.I got my TB test today have to have it read on Friday.We took Amber and "thing" home. I treated Ryan and Megan to Burger King for some lunch! Off to doctors appointment number 2. Home by 2:45 for the wheelchair guy to come and take Ryan's measurements for a new custom wheelchair.
 I have supper to do still, and all of Ryan's breathing and vest treatments and shower before he watches "Big Brother" on TV.
I didn't get all the things done in the day I needed so I must do more tomorrow.

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